The newly released third character trailer for the upcoming TV anime adaptation of Kumiko Saiki's Kageki Shojo!! manga introduces viewers to the hesitant Ayako Yamada (who is voiced by Rico Sasaki), who is striving towards her death while being worried that she can't measure up to her musical theater classmates.
The series is adapting Kumiko Saiki's manga series, which is available from Seven Seas Entertainment under the title Kageki Shojo!! The Curtain Rises, who describes it as such:
Like the Takarazuka Revue, the young women who go to the Kouka School of Musical and Theatrical Arts play all the parts of musical theater, be they female or male. Narada Ai is a jaded former idol performing female roles—her roommate, playing male roles, is bright-eyed country girl Watanabe Sarasa. From the school to the stage to the rest of their lives, there is no challenge these young women can’t face with their passion for performance. Also known as Kageki Shoujo!! Season Zero in Japan, this recent re-release of the original two-volume series for the franchise is packaged in one updated and beautiful omnibus.
Previously released visual:
Kageki Shojo!! is directed by Hozuki's Coolheadedness director, Kazuhiro Yoneda, at PINE JAM anime studio. It begins on July 3 at 24:00 on Tokyo MX (effectively July 4 at 12:00 AM).
Source: Comic Natalie
Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs a YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza, and posts photos of his travels on Instagram.
from Latest in Anime News by Crunchyroll!
The newly released third character trailer for the upcoming TV anime adaptation of Kumiko Saiki's Kageki Shojo!! manga introduces viewers to the hesitant Ayako Yamada (who is voiced by Rico Sasaki), who is striving towards her death while being worried that she can't measure up to her musical theater classmates.
The series is adapting Kumiko Saiki's manga series, which is available from Seven Seas Entertainment under the title Kageki Shojo!! The Curtain Rises, who describes it as such:
Like the Takarazuka Revue, the young women who go to the Kouka School of Musical and Theatrical Arts play all the parts of musical theater, be they female or male. Narada Ai is a jaded former idol performing female roles—her roommate, playing male roles, is bright-eyed country girl Watanabe Sarasa. From the school to the stage to the rest of their lives, there is no challenge these young women can’t face with their passion for performance. Also known as Kageki Shoujo!! Season Zero in Japan, this recent re-release of the original two-volume series for the franchise is packaged in one updated and beautiful omnibus.
Previously released visual:
Kageki Shojo!! is directed by Hozuki's Coolheadedness director, Kazuhiro Yoneda, at PINE JAM anime studio. It begins on July 3 at 24:00 on Tokyo MX (effectively July 4 at 12:00 AM).
Source: Comic Natalie
Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs a YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza, and posts photos of his travels on Instagram.
Daryl Harding June 12, 2021 at 10:44AM's the article: Shy Ayako Yamada Gets Featured in 3rd Character Trailer for Kageki Shojo!! TV Anime
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