The official website for the upcoming TV anime adaptation of Sousuke Touka's comedy fantasy manga Ousama Ranking has released a 55-second new PV to introduce its main characters and their voice cast members. In addition to Minami Hinata as the protagonist Bojji and Ayumu Murase as Kage who were already introduce in the teaser PV posted in April, the clip reveals seven more voice cast members - Yuki Kaji as Daida, Rina Sato as Hilling, Takuya Eguchi as Domus, Youji Ueda as Bevin, Hiroki Yasumoto as Apis, Hinata Tadokoro as Dorusi, and Daiki Yamashita as Hokuro.
Daida (CV: Yuki Kaji) - The second prince of the Kingdom of Bossu. The half-brother of Bojji.
Hilling (CV: Rina Sato) - King Bossu's' second wife and Daida's biological mother.
Domus (CV: Takuya Eguchi) - One of the Four Guardians at the Kingdom of Bossu, called "The Swordmaster." He is Bojji's swordsmanship instructor.
Bevin (CV: Youji Ueda) - One of the Four Guardians at the Kingdom of Bossu, called "The Serpent Master." He is Daida's swordsmanship instructor.
Apis (CV: Hiroki Yasumoto) - One of the Four Guardians at the Kingdom of Bossu, called "The King's Spear." He is a master spearman who is loyal to the King Bossu.
Dorushi (CV: Hinata Tadokoro) - One of the Four Guardians at the Kingdom of Bossu, called "The Queen's Shield." He is in charge of Hilling's bodyguard.
Hokuro (CV: Daiki Yamashita) - A young soldier at the Kingdom of Bossu, who adores Bojji.
The manga has been serialized on Echoes' user-submitted Manga Hack website since May 2017, and its gentle illustrations, worldview, and profound story have drawn attention on SNS. Its tankobon volumes released by KADOKAWA Beam Comics has sold over 1.2 million copies. As WIT STUDIO (Attack on Titan)'s tenth-anniversart title, its TV anime adaptation is set to premiere on Fuji Television Network's "Noitamina" programming block in October 2021.
Teaser PV:
Main staff:
- Director: Yosuke Hatta (Boogiepop and Others sub director)
- Series comopsition: Taku Kishimoto (The Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited)
- Character design/Chief animation director: Atsuko Nozaki (Tokyo Magnitude 8.0)
- Sub director: Arifumi Imai (Attach on Titan Season 1-3 action animation director)
- Music: MAYUKO (Cells at Work!)
- Anime production: WIT STUDIO (GREAT PRETENDER, Attack on Titan Season 1-3)
Minami Hinata / Bojji:
Ayumu Murase / Kage:
Key visual:
Source: Aniplex press release
© Sousuke Touka, Published by KADOKAWA/Anime "Ousama Ranking" Production Committee
from Latest in Anime News by Crunchyroll!
The official website for the upcoming TV anime adaptation of Sousuke Touka's comedy fantasy manga Ousama Ranking has released a 55-second new PV to introduce its main characters and their voice cast members. In addition to Minami Hinata as the protagonist Bojji and Ayumu Murase as Kage who were already introduce in the teaser PV posted in April, the clip reveals seven more voice cast members - Yuki Kaji as Daida, Rina Sato as Hilling, Takuya Eguchi as Domus, Youji Ueda as Bevin, Hiroki Yasumoto as Apis, Hinata Tadokoro as Dorusi, and Daiki Yamashita as Hokuro.
Daida (CV: Yuki Kaji) - The second prince of the Kingdom of Bossu. The half-brother of Bojji.
Hilling (CV: Rina Sato) - King Bossu's' second wife and Daida's biological mother.
Domus (CV: Takuya Eguchi) - One of the Four Guardians at the Kingdom of Bossu, called "The Swordmaster." He is Bojji's swordsmanship instructor.
Bevin (CV: Youji Ueda) - One of the Four Guardians at the Kingdom of Bossu, called "The Serpent Master." He is Daida's swordsmanship instructor.
Apis (CV: Hiroki Yasumoto) - One of the Four Guardians at the Kingdom of Bossu, called "The King's Spear." He is a master spearman who is loyal to the King Bossu.
Dorushi (CV: Hinata Tadokoro) - One of the Four Guardians at the Kingdom of Bossu, called "The Queen's Shield." He is in charge of Hilling's bodyguard.
Hokuro (CV: Daiki Yamashita) - A young soldier at the Kingdom of Bossu, who adores Bojji.
The manga has been serialized on Echoes' user-submitted Manga Hack website since May 2017, and its gentle illustrations, worldview, and profound story have drawn attention on SNS. Its tankobon volumes released by KADOKAWA Beam Comics has sold over 1.2 million copies. As WIT STUDIO (Attack on Titan)'s tenth-anniversart title, its TV anime adaptation is set to premiere on Fuji Television Network's "Noitamina" programming block in October 2021.
Teaser PV:
Main staff:
- Director: Yosuke Hatta (Boogiepop and Others sub director)
- Series comopsition: Taku Kishimoto (The Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited)
- Character design/Chief animation director: Atsuko Nozaki (Tokyo Magnitude 8.0)
- Sub director: Arifumi Imai (Attach on Titan Season 1-3 action animation director)
- Music: MAYUKO (Cells at Work!)
- Anime production: WIT STUDIO (GREAT PRETENDER, Attack on Titan Season 1-3)
Minami Hinata / Bojji:
Ayumu Murase / Kage:
Key visual:
Source: Aniplex press release
© Sousuke Touka, Published by KADOKAWA/Anime "Ousama Ranking" Production Committee
Mikikazu Komatsu June 10, 2021 at 05:35AM
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